Paul Twemlow firebrand dunedin

Paul finds his role ever evolving as Firebrand moves with the times. His role as Director and Videographer, allows him to shape strategic narratives and authentic stories for clients and community. He employs crafty rigging and film techniques, coupled with post-production expertise, to bring those stories to life.

Being tech-savvy and an early adaptor Paul excels in crafting digital and marketing solutions for new clients, thanks to his knowledge of the latest systems. He often operates the camera, directing and filming Firebrand's video projects, including interviews and events for Youth Employment Success.

An energetic person, Paul is deeply passionate about sports, participating in trail biking, skateboarding, golf and basketball…still playing each Saturday in the men's grade league.

Outside of work, Paul enjoys boating with his family and friends around Lake Aviemore and can often be found leading the singalong on the guitar or sitting happily behind the drum kit.